Warden Surgical

  Claimed Surgical Equipments and Consumables
Kamothe, Panvel 2227431686 Open 24 Hours 12:00 am To 12:00 am | 12:00 am To 12:00 am

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74/75, Jawahar Co Op Industrial Estate, Kamothe, Panvel, 410209, Maharashtra 22274316862227435940[email protected] http://www.wardensurgical.com
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Warden Surgical Deals in Surgical Equipments and Consumables Located in Kamothe,Panvel ABOUT US We, the entire Warden family take immense pleasure informing you that, we have completed more than 50 years serving the medical fraternity and health segment in India catering to all your medical and hospital requirement. Our motto throughout was and will be to offer practical, cost effective services and solutions (products) without compromising on quality. We have international quality certifications like ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485:2003, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 7153-1:1991, OHSAS 18001:2007 & CE. We follow a Learn manufacturing system which has been tried, tested and perfected over the years by our team of loyal and experienced professionals thereby enabling us to pass on the cost benefits to our esteemed clientele. State of art machineries and processes, experienced and disciplined labour force, inspired vision and planning have all helped us to keep our overheads low while maintaining superior quality standards. We accord a lot of importance to customer care and are thus committed to not only providing the best products money can buy but also maintaining them for our cherished patrons. We are an environmental friendly company. OUR POLICY To offer Cost Effective products/solutions/services to our customers No compromise on quality of raw material To offer User friendly and Safe products. To provide prompt services To value customer feedback for continuous product development. OUR VISION We strive to be ?Preferred Suppliers? in all our Product Segments in pursuit of excellence. SERVICES Hospital Consultancy Services We have under one roof an entire team of professionals with years of experience and expertise in the respective specialized fields who can provide you services right from planning to execution stage i.e. Turn key projects including interior designing, design and implementation of modular OT complex, hospital planning, medical gas pipeline, electrical, civil, HVAC, MEP solutions. Services and Maintenance We undertake Annual / Comprehensive maintenance contracts for OT Lights, OT Tables, Suction Machines, Autoclaves, Hospital Furniture & Surgical Instruments etc. of any make. Products Surgical Instruments Medical / Hospital Furniture Critical Care / OT Products Hospital SS ware Laparoscopy Instruments Consumables Hospital Linen Disinfectants Surgical Equipments


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the address of Warden Surgical?

You can easily locate Warden Surgical at 74/75, Jawahar Co Op Industrial Estate, Kamothe, Panvel, Maharashtra

What is the contact number of Warden Surgical?

You can contact Warden Surgical on , 2227431686

What kind of payment is accepted by Warden Surgical?

You can make payment to in the form of

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