Srl Diagnostics Kharghar

  Claimed Pathology Lab
Kharghar, Panvel +912265281212 Open 24 Hours 12:00 am To 12:00 am | 12:00 am To 12:00 am

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1st Floor, Hall No 1, Bhoomi Tower, Plot No 38, Sector 4, Near Cafe Coffee Day, Kharghar, Panvel, 410210, Maharashtra +912265281212+912265275866
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SRL Diagnostics Kharghar Deals in Pathology Lab Located in Kharghar,Panvel Why SRL SRL is the largest Diagnostics Company in India having an impressive 'Reach', providing superior quality diagnostics services to its customers through a very efficient network of labs and collection points. The vision to create SRL diagnostics was driven by the philosophy to provide high quality accurate tests/ outcomes at affordable prices to the masses. SRL is known for high ethical standards synonymous with 'TRUST' and each and every constituent of 'Team SRL' follows immaculate value system. Mission To become the first choice diagnostics provider for customers in all the markets that we operate in. Our mission in delivering this is as follows: To provide accurate and precise diagnostic, prognostic and predictive testing services in a timely manner To ensure that every employee is treated with dignity and respect, and in a fair, consistent and equitable manner To create a stimulating, enabling and supportive work atmosphere To aid and encourage employees in realizing their full potential Test @SRL General Health CBC,Urinalysis Diabetes Glucose (F),HbA1c, Urine Microalbuminuria Thyriod TSH,FT3, FT4 Lipid Triglycerides, Cholesterol Total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, LDL/HDL Ratio, Cholesterol Total / HDL Ratio Kidney Uric Acid, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine Ratio, Total Protein Bone Vitamin D, Calcium Liver SGOT,SGPT,Bilirubin Total & Direct, Alkaline Phosphatase,LDH,Albumin, Globulin,A:G Ratio, Serum Protein ,GGT Stress Cortisol Fatigue Iron, TIBC, Ferritin , % Saturation, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid Heart Hs-CRP, Apo lipoprotein- B Muscle Sodium, Potassium, Chloride Allergy Total IgE



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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the address of Srl Diagnostics Kharghar?

You can easily locate Srl Diagnostics Kharghar at 1st Floor, Hall No 1, Bhoomi Tower, Plot No 38, Sector 4, Near Cafe Coffee Day, Kharghar, Panvel, Maharashtra

What is the contact number of Srl Diagnostics Kharghar?

You can contact Srl Diagnostics Kharghar on , +912265281212

What kind of payment is accepted by Srl Diagnostics Kharghar?

You can make payment to in the form of

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